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ginger reading ninja

I am Ginger Reading Ninja - I love books and will read anything & everything. I'm here to share my love, the books, authors, the book boyfriends and more.  Join me with my reads - old faithfuls and brand new releases, reviews, book nooks, conventions and more.  NOTHING makes me more happy sad and fulfilled that a book.




Writer's picture: ginger reading ninjaginger reading ninja

My very first book cons are done and dusted & was ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC.

Now I'll admit, it's not everyone who will travel from one side of the world to the other just to fangirl over authors, books and other readers - but it is well worth doing if you ever get the chance; or alternatively source a book con local to you.

Meeting all those authors who get me "hot and bothered", keep me up at night, make me with I was unemployed just so I could stay home and read but thankful my job allows me a book budget (all those dirty books won't read themselves you know!); these are the authors who have given me completely unrealistic expectations on the off chance I ever date! I was a total fangirl and at times lost for words when meeting my heroes (I'm NEVER lost for words). But at the same time funnily enough - lots of authors fangirled over me and my aussie accent - apparently not many of us make the trek.

Let the Shamelessness begin!!! Sitting in hotel lobby surrounded by people, I'm reading (Anna Edwards) with the occasional tear quietly running; and in no way do I feel self conscious because I'm surrounded by BOOK PEOPLE! They get it!

Meeting the woman who began my obsession with smut and was the initial reason I made the trek from Australia to Orlando - RED PHEONIX was just one of those don't know what to say moments.

New friends met through a shared love of book smut embracing and encouraging this Ginger Reading Ninja in w way no-one else has. We are not alone - the world may not understand our reading choices but trust me - there are a lot of us out there!

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