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ginger reading ninja

I am Ginger Reading Ninja - I love books and will read anything & everything. I'm here to share my love, the books, authors, the book boyfriends and more.  Join me with my reads - old faithfuls and brand new releases, reviews, book nooks, conventions and more.  NOTHING makes me more happy sad and fulfilled that a book.



Booktastic BISM 2020/21/22

Writer's picture: ginger reading ninjaginger reading ninja

Updated: Oct 9, 2022

Good morning my lovely book dorks! What did you all get up to this weekend? A quiet one in with a good book or two? Or did you venture out - maybe to your local bookseller? Or did you go full-blown Reading Ninja and hit up a signing... Guess what my answer is?


To this weekend was finally the long-awaited and many times covid cancelled BOOKS IN SIGHT MELBOURNE. Being the dedicated little Reading Ninja that I am (in addition to the fact that my alter ego was a signing author), I got my butt on a plane and flew across Australia from the wilds of the outback to a very civilised and soggy Melbourne to attend this great signing.

Oh my goodness, readers, it was great to be back in my home state, with the rain and the cold, despite getting soaked through just by taking the five steps from my Uber to hotel, I was so happy to be back in the land of cold and wet after 18 months of perpetual hells summer in the Northern Territory. And that was even before the signing started.

Now the Grand Hyatt Hotel, C.J. Wells & J.A Collard put together this signing event waaaay back in 2020 and then... well you know, the whole world fell apart and Melbourne became a no-go-zone even for Melburnians. Well the borders are open, the ring of steal is merely a bad memory and we book dorks can tribe again. And tribe we did.

So many great authors gathered in the ballroom with wonderfully low 'romantic' mood lighting that was great for selfies (no filters needed to smooth wrinkles) and spent the day peopling for the first time in years. As an author at the event, I've gotta tell you Reading Ninjas - it was so great to see you all again after so long. Old friends were hugged, I may have made one cry (sorry not sorry), online covid connections became real in person friends and new book tribes were formed. Due to me being behind the table at this one, I did my rounds early in the day, picking up my pre-orders (because a true Reading Ninja does not attend a book signing without coming home with new reads) and saying hi to all the other great authors I was luck enough to share the day with.

For me, the highlights were meeting Phillipa Clark in person, after spending the last few years chatting online and devouring every word she produced, meeting Tracey Peterson in person, a great author who I met via Danielle Norman's Iron Orchids group many many years ago but never connected with in person despite us living quite close for a while there; and being next door table mates with the fabulous J.O. Mantel. An author I've followed for so long, who is as lovely in person as he is on social media.

I also had the thrill of introducing my daughter and my sister to their very first author signing event, and they got to see Jakki Frances in action for the first time. Of course, after a long day of peopling, a book dork would want to hide away in her hotel room right? WRONG! After all, this was a book trip, so what would it be without a visit to STORYVILLE cocktail bar for a few sparkling book-themed bevies, followed by being evicted from a Chinese restaurant for NOT wanting to order the item that they told us was not available in the first place, and going to a Disney themed drag show.

Now I'm camped out at Melbourne Airport awaiting my Virgin chariot back up north, with 35kg of book luggage that will hopefully not get lost along the way. I need a nap! It may have only been a 48hr roundtrip, but any book trip is worth every second I spend and I can't wait to add BISM to my 'regular' (every few years when they run it), schedule.

Happy reading this week book dorks. If you get the chance, find a book event, large or small, near you and reconnect with your tribe. We're always out there, we're just too introverted to say so.

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Oct 10, 2022

So what books did you pick up? Looks like load of fun! Love the cover of what I think is your kindle? 😊

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