Another great book from Angera Allen. A quick filthy romp the entire book is only 4 days in Ruby's life, but they pretty much cover 4 of the most important days ever.
Ruby drives my absolutely crazy! I just want to slap a bitch after reading her. She's a woman who has allowed a man to walk all over her and treat her like shit....but that's not why I want to slap her. It's the constant feeling sorry for herself. The regular 'poor me my husbands an abusive bastard but i wanna be a tough cool biatch like my friends' attitude that makes me feel she needs a good hard shake and a foot up the ass. Until the moment she finally 'womans' up' and takes down a drunken biker - then she's my kind of woman. Only to go back to being unsure of herself and needing to justify and talk herself into what she wants in life.
Now Quick -he's a man this woman can take on and then some. He's inexplicably drawn to Ruby (as all the hot men in this book seem to be.....what's with that?). He's hot, rough and totally alpha in the best kind of way. He truly seems to care for her, and he definitely wants her - badly!!!!
The story is fast paces (being only 4 days) and really wonderfully peppered with hot, filthy, rough, hard, kinky sex... oh the kinky sex - I just want more!
Thanks to Angera Allen for shooting me a copy yesterday to while away the jetlag hours poolside in Dallas; she tells me there is more from this couple coming in her next hottie QUICK. Which I'm sure I'll be devouring any moment now.
If you're after a quick, hot, dirty to get your motor running, join Ruby, Quick and the Spin It Inc. girls Iz & Ginger and spend a few hours losing yourself to pure filthy indulgence.
Those of you home downunder, daylight savings this weekend means some extra daylight to kick back and read..... just saying lol

One weekend.
That’s all it took to turn my life upside down.
One weekend away from the shit storm that is my life.
My name is Ruby Malone.
Wife to the famous frontman and lead singer, Brody Malone.
Best friend to the infamous DJ Izzy.
Mama to my beautiful baby girl, Bella.
This isn’t the beginning of my story, it’s not even the middle and it sure as fuck isn’t the end. This is the story of how I became known as ‘Firecracker’ to the Wolfeman MC and was initiated into the musical world of Spin It, Inc.