HAPPY 2023 Reading Ninjas! I hope you all had a good Xmas and New Year and didn't get into too much trouble. I, in true Reading Ninja style, spent both quietly reading - admittedly I had planned to attend waterfront fireworks and concert in Darwin, but dangerous weather cancelled NYE in the top end of Australia.
So I was thinking about my reading tastes and decided I wanted to make a
New Years Reading Resolution
If you've been following me for more than a hot minute, you'll know that the majority of what I read is romance, with a plethora of other genres sprinkled in for good measure. But in 2023 I'd like to branch out a bit more and dial back the clock somewhat - And so in 2023 I'm going to read and discuss with you an old-school novel, one that's stood the test of time but I've never read before, each month as well as our usual fun fiction.
Now I'm limiting myself to 1 per month because these novels tend not to be fast fiction; they're generally much longer, heavier, slower reads than those I usually review for you, but I think they need a look and new appreciation - they used to be those studied in high school, these days the educational systems have brought our kids other gems to discuss as part of their curriculum. So on that note, let's turn back time a bit and give some appreciation to those who've written books that have become part of our collective history and are considered some of the 'greats'.
So, keep a look out on the LAST DAY of each month for my 'Resolution' book - and if you have recommendations that fit the brief you think I should take a look at - please comment, let me know and I'll take a crack at it.
